Skipper Translations: FAQs
Q: What if I adjust the fielding country after a translation has already been added?
No worries! Click the Translations button to see the columns populated with your researcher language, the new available language, and the previously translated language. You must delete the column with the unavailable language from the draft before launching your survey.
Q: What if my survey only has one language available, but I would like to use English as my research language?
Easy fix! On the Survey Editor page, click the Translations button in the top right corner of the page, or above any question in your survey. Click the language drop-down and select Set EN as researcher language. Learn more in Setting English as Researcher Language.
Q: Does Skipper replace my need for a translator?
Using Skipper Translations does not necessarily replace a translator, but it could reduce the cost of using one. While typically, you might hire someone to create an entire translation of a survey, with Skipper Translations, it is recommended that you hire someone to simply review the translated text, saving you both time and money.
Q: Is Skipper “learning” from my surveys, or the text that I enter?
We do not use the specific content of your surveys or text inputs to train Skipper at this time. But, we do store this data internally for the purpose of providing our service, troubleshooting issues, and improving our platform. Please refer to our updated Terms of Use and Privacy Practices, and reach out to your Account Manager if you have any questions.
Q: What language model is Skipper using?
We are AI-gnostic. We experiment with and use a number of leading LLMs, including Claude through Anthropic and OpenAI's ChatGPT via our Azure hosting environment. More details about our subprocessors can be found here.