Testing your survey prior to launch is a vital step in the survey building process. Once a survey is live you will be unable to make edits. This makes it imperative that you test and preview to ensure that the flow and structure of your survey works as intended.
On the Survey Editor page, click Quick Preview on the left sidebar to enter preview mode. Within the Quick Preview, there are three modes:
- Respondent Mode will emulate a live survey experience. You will need to test as if you were a respondent and follow all logic paths created. All limits and logic will be applied here, so you can focus on the text and flow of the survey. If you have quota groups set on your Target Market page, you can test each group in Respondent mode; if you answer outside of the selected group, you will be terminated from the survey.
- Researcher Mode allows you to test the logic paths but offers more flexibility than Respondent Mode. Click View/Logic options to turn on or off certain settings, and click the Q# drop-down to jump to specific questions in the survey.
- Question Labels is turned on by default and will show the question numbers how they look in the Survey Editor. Turn off to see the questions number show to respondents.
- Show Navigation Hints shows the accept/rejects on PQs and other back-end navigation.
- Show aytm Logic allows you to view any aytm conditional Logic, i.e. [show if Q1A1]. Please note that logic routing will always be turned on, this will allow to preview how it's structured.
Ghost Mode has the most transparency when previewing a survey, letting you "walk through walls," by jumping to questions and viewing all of the navigation and logic that was programmed. You'll view the structure of the survey, but cannot test the logic. With the same controls as Researcher Mode, you have the ability to change the settings, but Ghost Mode will always suppress routing logic so you can move freely throughout the survey.
If you have any additional questions about please reach out to support@aytm.com or click the chat bubble at the bottom right to start a conversation. We look forward to hearing from you!