Xpert: Implicit influence test reports
With the Xpert: Implicit influence test solution you will find 7 layers of reporting data on the reports page after the surveys are fielded. This will include our recommendation based on your results.
1. Objectives Tab
The Objectives tab gives a summary of the objective and a link to a Help Article with more information on what we mean by approach schema and why we're focusing on approach. |
2. Methodology Tab
The Methodology tab will outline the methodology used in this research experiment. |
3. Analysis Settings Tab
The Analysis Settings tab has three toggles for confidence level, quality control filter, and data cleaning filter. |
4. Executive Summary
The Executive Summary section features a figure that highlights the overarching primary analysis: which of these approach or appeal ratings had an effect on purchase intent? You will also see our recommendation in the final paragraph. |
5. Assessing Priming
The Assessing Priming section allows you to see the results of the test that assessed if priming occurred and a comparison between the experimental and control groups. |
6. Implicit and Explicit
The Implicit and Explicit section will provide details on the test to see if being primed influenced average appeal ratings. |
7. Purchase Intent
The Purchase Intent section provides more details into the test for which influenced purchase intent. First, the analysis looks to see if priming of approach by itself influenced purchase intent. Secondly, we can look to see if expressing that the product was appealing influenced purchase intent. Below this we can get into those four group breakouts to see if there's any sort of interaction. In the chart below, you can see that regardless of which group they were in, if they found it appealing, then they had higher purchase intent. If you selected the Juster scale in your settings, you will find some information about how you can interpret the scale. |