Fine-tune the package at any time by substituting its options manually, clicking on an option to either add or subtract some perceived value from the package. The model will tell you exactly how much of a trade-off you’ll be making. Use your scroll-wheel or trackpad to quickly test any option in any column; the visualization will adjust itself and show you the new combination selected.
Learn more about Choice-based Conjoint tests in the Lighthouse Academy!

When options have a very similar probability impact, we’ll have to hide some to keep the simulator clear.
- Roll over the column and we’ll show as many as will fit in the list. When you roll over an item in the list, a black callout with a number will be rendered next to the triangle, signifying the actual location of the option on the scale, even though its label may have been pushed further up or down by other items.
- Click Expand on any of the attribute lines to expand an individual attribute, or Expand All in the header of the table to expand all attributes. Click on an attribute option to see the corresponding column above; scroll up or down to roll through attribute options. Incremental probability impacts will display for every option in the table, as well as the overall package strength and composition.
- Click Best and Worst to view the respective packages.
- Hover over an attribute's header, and click Hide to temporarily remove it from view.
- Click the words Preference likelihood (the likelihood/probability that a particular profile (combination of attribute levels) would be selected over the theoretical "average profile") and Utility scores (raw coefficients) to toggle between those views in both the visualization and the table.
Segmentation Personas
When enough responses have been collected in a Segmentation Conjoint, the system will generate up to seven personas, generated using cluster statistics from the Conjoint results.
- Click a numbered avatar to view the Best and Worst package generations for each persona.
- Click the help bubble next to the name of the persona to view summary text.
As you toggle through personas, the paragraph summary will change to reflect the number of respondents in this cluster, their package preferences, any Prevalent traits present among the respondents, and Favorite answers (answers for which this persona showed statistically stronger preference than other personas).
Export options
- Click the download arrow in the upper right corner of the test to Download Utility Scores (CSV), Download Ranked List of Packages (CSV), or Stacked choice data (CSV).
- Click the hamburger button to the right of the last attribute column of the emulator to export the current view as an image file in PNG, PDF, or EPS format.
- Click the Export menu option, and select PowerPoint to view the ten most desirable packages as a slide in your PowerPoint report.
Market Simulator
The Market Simulator allows you to compare any combination, and test individual attributes offline, within an Excel file.
- Click on various attribute options in the emulator or within the table to build a package.
- Click the Add Selected button, and the package will appear in the Market simulator table.
- When the desired number of packages have been added (up to 7), click the hamburger button in the right corner of the Market simulator and Download Market Simulator Excel.
- In the Excel file, compare the Probability impact of packages, including each attribute and attribute option.