Conjoint Express Methodology
Conjoint Express is a Choice-Based Conjoint variant with the aim to provide directional information on the sample in aggregate form.
How it works
The experimental design is created using methods that employ Federov's exchange algorithm so that the final design is D-optimal and nearly orthogonal. The algorithm explores the complete space of possible designs for the best given specified parameters. It is expected that each option (variable level) is present approximately equal number of times compared to other options. The total number of versions varies depending on the setup, but having more than a hundred versions for large setups is common. The core analysis of respondents' preferences is performed with help of Multinomial Logit model. It takes into account properties of other packages presented in a task when respondent makes a choice. The choice probability correspond to the logit transformation of the linear combination of utility scores of the packages in the task. Respondents are analyzed all in a single aggregated pool, with resulting statistics presenting an "average" opinion of the product preferences. |
The Statistics Page
The statistics page shows several elements: market simulator, Attribute Importance values, Preference Likelihood, and Utility scores impact. In market simulator, Preference Likelihood mode assumes a state of the market when two packages exist: an average one, and the chosen one. With such settings it is possible to see how market share of the chosen package change with a change of the attributes. Utility scores mode uses raw Logit coefficients of the chosen package. In this setting an average package gets a score of 0. Importance values for each attribute, calculated as shares of ranges of utility scores. The higher importance, the higher impact a decision on the attribute has on the package's market share.
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Learn more about the Conjoint Research test on the Lighthouse Academy!