Skipper Explore
Skipper Explore will deliver faster, automated analysis of your survey data. The main goal behind Skipper Explore is to prepare all statistical conclusions using the true and proven statistical models already built into the aytm platform, and then express those conclusions as readable, short statements using the magic of Generative AI. This approach gives Skipper access to a diverse set of analyses on its mission toward presenting the findings in professional human text format, linking various facts, and drawing conclusions in the context of general market research trends. Only statistically significant crosstabs are provided by Skipper—similar to the crosstab analysis in Excel on the Banner tables export, according to the Confidence Level settings of your stats page.
How to Explore with Skipper
Skipper Explore delivers insights by reading the top line summary data, and "translating" that data into English phrasing. Then it runs significance tests and forms summaries for any statistically significant differences found in the data set.
Explore Banner with Skipper
Dive deeper into insights by using Skipper Explore with banners.
Note: Skipper will focus on providing only the correlations related to the selected banners and the chosen question, skipping the analysis of correlations related to demographic traits and the chosen question. |
Best Practices