You can use the Slider question type when you have a group of items that can be rated on the same scale, such as level of awareness of different brands, or level of satisfaction with different aspects of a product or service.
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- In the Survey Editor, click the Sliders Icon in the question menu, or drag the icon into place.
- Type or paste your question into the Question field.
- Type or paste your entities or sub-questions into the Matrix Sub-Question fields, and click the + icon to add additional answer options, up to 12. Use copy/paste to automatically populate answer options.
Note: Sub-Questions are optional—delete the placeholders to apply the slider matrix to the main question only.
- Hover over the Sub-Question number and click the X to delete a Sub-Question.
- Check the Randomize checkbox to shuffle the answer orders for each respondent.
- Click the anchor icon to the right of an answer option to lock the option in place on the list, despite randomization.
- Type a Custom Scale into the Matrix Answer Option fields, or click the Custom scale dropdown to choose a pre-written Likert scale.
On the Results page, the default view, Stacked 100%, shows answer percentages stacked in color-coded columns, with expandable data on the sub-question level displayed below.
- Hover over a bar to see the percentage and number of respondents who selected each answer option.
- Click the Stacked 100% drop-down to choose another visualization, from Stacked counts, Means, or Box Scores.
- Stacked Counts shows the actual number of respondents who gave each answer along the y axis. If the base size of all sub questions is the same, this visualization will not differ much from the Stacked 100% view. - Means shows the averages for each sub-question compared side by side, with drill-down statistics for each sub question. - Box Scores shows calculations for Top 1 box, Top 2 box, Top 3 box, top weighted, Bottom 1 box, Bottom 2 box, Bottom 3 box, and Bottom-weighted. Note: Click the help bubble next to the selection to see how it is calculated from the responses. As you make selections in this drop-down, keep in mind that the “top” recognized by the system will always Answer option One, and the “bottom” recognized by the system will always be the last answer option you programmed.
- Click the chart icon in the upper right corner of the Question results to toggle the view to a horizontal chart.
- Click on a Sub-Question header to view a different breakdown for that particular question.
Take a test drive on real-world results for this question type! Explore a live demo report.