Star/Smiley rating is a simple way to gather ratings for several entities in the same question, such as asking respondents to rate different aspects of a product or service. Smiley ratings allow respondents to convey their basic level of happiness on each item whereas stars convey approval/quality ratings.
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- In the Survey Editor, click the Star or Smiley Icon in the question menu, or drag the icon into place.
- Type or paste your question into the Question field.
- Type entries for respondents to evaluate into the Sub-Question fields, and click the + icon to add additional sub-questions - up to 10. Use copy/paste to automatically populate answer options.
- Hover over a number and click the X to delete a Sub-Question. Sub-Questions are not required Star/Smiley questions.
- Activate the Randomize checkbox to shuffle the Sub-Question order for each respondent.
- Click the anchor icon to the right of an entry to lock the option in place on the list, despite randomization.
- Click the Star or Emoticon drop-down to toggle the method of response.
3. Customizing Star scales
- In a Star rating question, click the Star Rating drop-down menu to choose a number of stars between 2 and 10, or to choose between 2 and 10 stars with an N/A option.
4. Analyzing Star and Smiley questions
On the Results page, color-coded answers display as percentage results for each Sub-Question on a stacked bar chart. Line-by-line data for each Sub-Question is displayed below the Summary chart. Star questions have an additional line-by-line breakdown of data below the Summary chart.
- Hover over a bar to see the percentage and number of respondents who selected each answer option.
- Click the Stacked drop-down to change visualization to Score Average, which represents the average rating.
Note: Score Average will not include N/A in the calculation, if a Star rating with N/A is used.
- Click the chart icon in the upper right corner of the Question results to toggle the view to a horizontal chart.
- Click on a Sub-Question header to view a different breakdown for that particular question.
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Learn more about Interpreting Score Averages.