With the Xpert: Comparing ad creatives solution, present multiple ads to each respondent, and compare their reactions to each set of video or image presentations. In this test, respondents will view all possible ads, and then be asked to directly compare ads and select their favorite.
See more in the Solutions Center.
1. Programming a comparing ad creatives solution
In the Drafts section of your dashboard, click the edit button to the right of Comparing ad creatives (images) or Comparing ad creatives (videos) on the menu. Note: The input page, interface, and reports for Images and Videos are identical, except that Video will add a question to ask if there were any technical difficulties viewing the video–if respondents say yes, the survey will conclude there. When inputting videos, you can select a file from your account’s library previously uploaded videos.
On the input page, click the camera icon to select up to 6 files from your hard drive, drag and drop multiple images onto the camera drop-zone, or add files one at a time.
Click the Total number of Advertisements drop-down to insert a placeholder for each planned ad, to see how it will affect LOI and pricing.
Type a name into the Please give this advertisement a name field, and any optional text to appear as a caption for the image.
Check the Display the title of the advertisement box to share this title with respondents.
Hover to the right of a placeholder or a programmed ad to remove it from the test.
2. Selecting the Sample size
- Click the Number of respondents drop-down to choose how many total respondents will take your survey.
Note: If you need a specific sample size not listed in the drop-down, choose a number smaller than your desired sample size on this page, and later you will be able to specify a larger sample size from the Target Market page.
3. Adding measures to the included questions
Three types of questions will be presented for each ad; an Open Ended question, and two scaled questions. These questions are automatically included with every Xpert Ad test. Each additional measure you create will be placed in a question with a standard five point Likert scale.
- Click the box next to Measure additional characteristics about the advertisement.
- Type up to 10 attributes that you would like to measure.
Note: Each attribute should be able to fill in the blank in the sentence displayed to the right of the text boxes, following the structure of the examples given.
4. Comparing current and non-customers
- Check the Compare current customers to non-customers? box to evaluate how respondents who are already customers respond to the stimuli, compared to respondents who are not already customers.
Note: We must get at least 30 responses from each category, but because this adds a question to the survey, rather than filters respondents, there is no way for aytm to set quotas, and you may find the data to be directional.
- Type the summary description of your ad test in the field labeled Please specify.
Note: This text will take the place of the underlined text the aytm website.
- Type the preferred descriptor of your customer in the Please describe your customer field.
Note: This text will take the place of the underlined word user in the example text.
- Click the drop-down to define the split between a user and non-user.
5. Finalizing your survey
Before moving on to the Survey Editor page, click the drop-down to select an Estimated Incidence Rate. If your survey is open to anyone, you may leave this at 100%, but if you plan to narrow down your target audience with Prequalification questions, you’ll need to specify an Incidence Rate.
- Click the Target Market button to refine your audience, or if your survey is open to anyone, click Review & Edit Survey to save your progress and head to the Survey Editor page.
- Add prequalification questions to narrow your audience, if needed.
- Add survey questions before or after the set of Xpert questions (indicated by the lock icon).
Note: The questions from your Xpert ad test will populate your survey with a Lock icon to the left of the question number. While you can add prequalification questions, or add questions to the beginning and end of your survey, you cannot insert questions into the middle of the “locked” Xpert ad test section.