Miscellaneous aytm Logic information
Logic Priority
Rules with higher priority will override conflicting rules with lower priority. aytm Logic (1) is the highest.
Using Square Brackets
If you want to use square brackets in your survey in a way that is visible to the respondents, please use double square brackets. If you type: [[optional]] in a field, respondent will see [optional]. |
Case Sensitivity
aytm Logic is not case sensitive, so [Q1I] would behave the same way as [q1i]. |
Combining Commands
It is possible to have two or more logic commands together, e.g. [show if Q2][hide if Q1A4][Q1i]. The system independently resolves the logic elements, and, if needed, combines them together with a logical AND operator. Let's see how it would work:
Brackets can be used to group the logic into logical chunks, connected with "and", "or", and other operators, e.g. [Q1i if (Q1A1 or Q2A1) and not (Q3A1 or Q4A1)] . |