When conducting a survey in a country with multiple languages available, you can seamlessly program, launch, and analyze a single survey in those languages. For instance, if you’re launching a survey in the United States, you can provide respondents with the option to complete it in either English or Spanish.
Setting Languages on a Multilingual Panel Survey
Field a multilingual panel survey within a country that has multiple languages available on the Target Market page.
- Click the Country/Language drop-down to select the fielding country.
- Click the language dropdown, and check the boxes next to all languages you would like to include.
Please note: Language availability is limited by the fielding country; if you would like to field in a language that is unavailable, please reach out to our Support team to discuss options. If you are planning to field in multiple countries, you must create and launch a separate survey per country.
- Click Write Survey to proceed to the Survey Editor (after you’ve set your audience preferences and sample size on the Target Market page).
Programing a Translation
Once the survey has been programmed in the Researcher Language (by default, Researcher language is English, or the first language that appears in the list on the Target Market page), you can begin programming your other language(s).
- Click the Languages button in the upper right corner of the Survey Editor, or above any question to open the Translation table. From this page, you can manually type the translation, or streamline the translation by uploading a translated CSV.
- Click Download CSV to download a CSV of the current state. This CSV will have:
a. A column for the survey schema. b. A column with any Logic used throughout the survey. c. A column for the researcher language (which should be filled in already). d. An empty column for your alternate language.
- Make edits to the Language Translation column, or send this file to your Translator, with clear instructions to leave both the logic and Master language columns intact.
Note: aytm recommends saving the updated CSV file as CSV UTF-8.
- Click Upload CSV on the Translation Table to upload the updated version (with both languages) into the platform, after completing and saving the translation.
Note: Any edits made to the English or researcher language column will replace the existing text.
- Make any changes to the translation directly in the appropriate column of the translation table once the translation CSV is uploaded.
Note: To make any edits to the Researcher Language, you must click the X to revisit the Survey Editor. |
Quick Preview
Before launching a survey, be sure to preview the entire study. In Researcher mode and Ghost mode, you can select the preview language; in Respondent mode, you must select the preview language by answering the language preference question.
There are three ways to preview your survey:
- Click the Quick Preview button on the Survey Editor page.
- On the Translation Table, click the English (or Researcher language) dropdown and select Quick Preview to view the survey as a Respondent, in Researcher mode, or in Ghost mode.
- Click the Translation language dropdown to:
a. Open a Quick preview of the survey. b. View survey schema from the Survey Editor page in the translated language.
Note: If you would like to enforce quotas on respondents’ preferred language, please reach out to your account manager or our support team for assistance
Respondent Experience
When your respondents begin the survey, they will be prompted to choose their preferred language, which will direct them to the appropriate survey translation. |
Results Page
On the Results page all survey data will aggregate in a single report in the default language. You can:
- Preview the survey in either language.
- Filter responses by preferred language by clicking Locale drop-down menu and selecting the desired language(s).
- Generate Virtual questions.
Other actions
With your survey programmed, click on the Languages button in the upper right corner, or the Languages button above any question. The Translation Table will open to show a column for the survey schema and a column for each language you selected on the Target Market page.
- Click the Undo/Redo buttons across the top of the Translation Table to revert any recent changes.
- Select the Target Market button to jump back to the Target Market page.
- Click the Columns dropdown menu to show or hide languages.
- Click the Translation language dropdown to:
- Open a Quick preview of the survey.
- View survey schema from the Survey Editor page in the translated language.
- Set the translated language as the researcher language (remember this will also affect the Results page).
Delete the translation, which will completely reset your translation. A previous version of the survey, including the deleted translation, will appear in your Survey History.

Learn more about Multilingual Surveys in the Lighthouse Academy!