Kano Discrete Analysis Methodology
Kano model in its essence helps understand if a feature of a product satisfies three categories: An Attractive need, a Performance need, and a Must-be need.
The categorization happens by asking a set of two questions:
Several of the Kano model variants are offered by aytm, all with the goal of classifying customers into categories based on their perception of the feature's importance.
Type I
Originally termed Motivation-Hygiene (M-H) Property of Quality, was introduced by Dr Noriaki Kano in 1984. |
Type III
Pouliot (1993) refined Kano's original model by introducing more precise categories, allowing to capture more granular levels of the Attractive and Must-be needs. |
Type IV
Shahin et al. (2011) further refined type III model by reversing the order of levels in the Attractive and Must-be needs, claiming increased accuracy and adherence to the theoretical foundation of the Kano model. |
Type IIIs
Simplified version of the Type III, with the omission of the Attractive and Must-be need differentiation. |