Complex surveys often evolve over the time, questions get added or removed as the study takes shape. When it happens, one of the ways to avoid eventual correction of direct references is to assign special aliases to the key fields of your survey. They work just like the direct references but will remain constant regardless of the position of the field. They always start with the "@" sign immediately followed by an alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z,0-9,_) alias name you come up with to help you remember and identify the reference. @aliases are referencing an exact field within question where they are entered or the question itself. Aliases must be unique within a survey.
[@likesPurple] was placed in a question Q18, asking of the color preferences, at the purple answer (A5) . This is later used in a different question [Show if @likesPurple] to only address the subset of respondents who selected that answer. Now you can move Q18 and A5 within it to any position and the reference will still work. |
Supported Question Types