Sometimes referring to an answer chosen earlier in the survey is not enough. You may want to cluster respondents by many conditions, based on the way they answered different questions, their known demographics, etc. You can declare and alter variables throughout the survey and then adjust survey logic accordingly.
Quiz Score
If your survey is a quiz, you can increase or decrease the running score for each respondent as they fail or succeed answering your questions. The value of your variable will be kept individual for each respondent and you can refer to it when you are ready to show the results or alter survey experience based on their achievements. Please note: Instead of "QuizScore" you can use any alphanumeric variable name that suits your needs (A-Z, a-z, 0-9,_). Underscores are allowed.
Show respondents the value of any variable by surrounding its name in square brackets. For example:
Create a variable "NPS" and assign respondents value "Promoter" or "Detractor" based on the answers they gave on your NPS (Net Promoter score) question. Later on you can append an extra modifier to the variable, if you find them to be an influencer on top of being a Promoter.
As you can see from the examples above, variables can store text or numbers for further use in the logic. |
Creating Custom Variables
aytm Logic doesn't require you to declare variables before using them where needed. The type of variable (text or numbers) is determined on when you used it for the first time. By default each variable stores an empty value "". Guidelines to creating name of the variable:
Reserved Variables