In aytm logic, references and aliases can be used in multiple ways, achieving a wide range of possible text and survey flow manipulations.
How to Use Piping Logic
It is possible to extract question/sub-question/answer texts using direct references. This can be done by simply mentioning the reference in the logic, without any modifiers. The logic can be placed at any level: question, sub-question, answer.
Helpful Hints:
- The respondent has to have been exposed to the element first before the text can be used in the logic. If the exposure didn't happen, "logic error" would be piped instead.
- To pipe answer text in questions which have the sub-question level, you must mention a sub-question in the reference.
- For example, [Q1SQ1A5] would be the right way of piping fifth answer text from the first question.
Common Use Case Examples
- [Q10] - Wherever this logic is placed, question text from Q10 would be piped in.
- [Q10 if Q5A1] - This will pipe text from Q10 if respondent chose the first answer from the fifth question
- [Q10 if @promoter] - This will pipe text from Q10 if respondent was aliased as promoter somewhere previously in the survey.
- [Q10A1] - Wherever this logic is placed, first answer text from Q10 would be placed instead of the logic.
- [Q10A1 if Q5A1] - This will pipe text from the first answer of Q10 if respondent chose the first answer from the fifth question
- [Q10A1 if @promoter] - This will pipe text from the first answer Q10 if respondent was aliased as promoter somewhere previously in the survey.
- [Q10SQ1] - Wherever this logic is placed, first sub-question text from Q10 would be placed in place of the logic.
- [Q10SQ1A1] - Wherever this logic is placed, first answer from the first sub-question text from Q10 would be placed instead of the logic.
- [Q10R] - Wherever this logic is placed, the response from Q10 would be placed instead of the logic.
- [Q10Ri] - Wherever this logic is placed, the image associated with the response from Q10 would be placed instead of the logic.
- [Q10A3c] - Wherever this logic is placed, it will pipe the the open ended comment from A3 at Q10.