In aytm logic, references and aliases can be used in multiple ways, achieving a wide range of possible text and survey flow manipulations.
How to Use Response Text Logic
It is possible to extract answer texts(s) for only chosen elements by appending “R” modifier to the reference. For all supported question types, this command would return one or more elements that were chosen by a respondent. One exception: for an Open-ended question this command returns the actual text respondent entered in the field. To obtain n’th selected answer text, you can append a number to get selection at this position. Helpful Hint: The system records responses in order they were given by respondent, so randomization of items will influence the order of responses. If there is more than one element returned, the system will connect them with commas, and a ", and " at the last element. This rule changes to an alternative rule relevant to the chosen survey locale. |
Common Use Examples
- [Q10r] - Q10 is a single-choice question. This reference, wherever placed, would then pipe text from the answer that respondent chose in Q1. A common use-case would be to construct a question text similar to the following: You have selected [Q10r] as your favorite animal. Please share why.
- [Q10r1] - Q10 is a multi-choice question. This reference, wherever placed, would then pipe text from the first answer within the programmed set of options that respondent chose in Q10. This does NOT reflect the order in which answers were selected in the multi-choice question. For example, if a respondent chose Blue and Orange as their favorite colors, and Blue was programmed as answer option Q10A1 while Orange was Q10A5, then [Q10r1] would return [Blue] regardless of the order in which the respondent chose those options.
- [Q10r] - Q10 is a multi-choice question. This reference, wherever placed, would then pipe text from all chosen answers in Q10. The items would be connected with delimiters and conjunctions. A common use-case would be to construct a question text similar to the following: You have selected [Q10R] as your favorite animals. Please share why. The respondent would see something like: “You have selected cows, horses, and goats as your favorite animals”
- [Q10r1 if Q10rn>0] - Q10 is a multi-choice question. This reference, wherever placed, would then pipe text from the first answer that respondent chose in Q10 if they have made at least one choice.
- [Show if Q1r='six month ago'] - The element of the command will only be shown if the response on Q1 was "six month ago"
Supported Question Types