Use Banner Tables to detect significant differences in your data by downloading various data files to work with offline. Compare banners across multiple questions, obtain the specific p-values, and view full details of your survey's statistical tests.
Exporting Banner Tables
- Click on the Banner Tables tab on the left hand tool bar.
- Click the Add banner drop-down to add your desired banner(s)
- Select the preferred Data Format from Show counts only, Show percentages only, or Show both counts and percentages.
- If necessary, adjust each slider to change the primary and secondary confidence levels.
- Check the boxes next to Top and Bottom 2 Box, Top and Bottom 3 Box, Top and Bottom 1.5 Box, and Mean to include the respective Summary Metrics to your export. Note: Top Box Calculations will apply to Sliders, Progressive Matrix, Radio Button, and Smiley/Star question types only.
- Click Run and Download to download the excel file.
Working with the Export
On the Banner Tables Export, there will be three tabs/sheets available:
- Index: Click on any question or sub question and be taken to that question’s specific table, in the Tables tab
- Tables: This tab stores the data with significance testing included. The banner(s) and associated banner groups appear in columns. Scroll down to see how the respondents who fell into each split of the banner answered each survey question.
- Legend: View the notation and color keys
- Cells with uppercase letters show that there is a significant difference at the primary confidence level selected (in this case, 95%). The significantly higher cell is shaded in dark teal.
- Cells with lowercase letters show that there is a significant difference at the secondary confidence level selected (in this case, 90%). The significantly higher cell is shaded in light teal.
Download this example .xls file - Banner Table Export