Verbatim Coding is a valuable way to organize responses to open-ended questions. By labeling and categorizing insightful comments from respondents using tags, you can save time by efficiently identifying common themes within your data set.
1. Accessing Verbatim Coding
- From the Stats page, click the Comments icon below the header, or on the right side of a question header.
- Click the tag icon in the left menu.
2. Adding Tags
There are multiple ways to add tags to open-ended questions. First, build out your tag list by creating a codebook and adding tags within the codebook.
With the Verbatim Coding pane open in the left menu:
- Click Add a new codebook.
- Type in the overarching category, and click OK or the enter key.
- Click Add a new tag, with the new codebook open.
- Type or paste the tag name, and hit the enter key or click OK. Your tag will populate as a list containing both the name of the tag and number of times it has been assigned to a comment.
Note: If you’d like to create multiple tags at once, you can copy and paste multiple lines from another text field or document, and tags will populate the codebook accordingly.
Secondly, you can add tags to individual responses.
With the Verbatim Coding pane open in the left menu:
- Click add a tag within any given response.
- Type the label for your tag.
- Click Create or enter, and your tag will populate as a list containing both the name of the tag and number of times it has been assigned to a comment.
Note: When you create a tag without first creating a Codebook to hold the tag, the system will automatically create one for you called Default Codebook. Click the folder to expand or hide the verbatim coding tags within each codebook folder.
Finally, once a verbatim coding tag has been created, you can add tags by dragging and dropping.
To tag a single response:
- Click, drag, and drop a tag onto an individual response on the screen.
To bulk-add tags to multiple responses:
- Type keywords into the search bar, and hit enter to search for comments with your parameters.
- With the filtered results in place, drag the tag from the codebook to the filter menu at the top of the page.
- Click the appropriate button to add to all comments on this page, or all comments found.
3. Managing Tags and Codebooks
Managing codebooks:
- Click the gear button to the right of a Codebook.
- Select the appropriate option to Rename the codebook, Clone codebook, Copy codebook structure, or Delete codebook and tags from all reports.
Managing tags:
- Click the gear button to the right of an individual tag.
- Select the appropriate option to Remove the tag from the comments on the page, Rename the tag, Assign to multiple comments, or Delete the tag from all reports.
- Hover over a tag and click the X to delete an individual tag.
- Drag and drop tags into other Codebooks to reassign a tag to another codebook.
4. Toggle Tags On / Off
- Click on the tag icon in the search tool bar. This allows you to modify how the page is viewed depending on your preference.