Concept Portal is a way for you to pull concepts from multiple surveys into one location for streamlined analysis, accommodating hundreds of concepts at a time. Once a Concept Portal has initially been created, future concepts can be added to the portal directly from any Results page by setting up a Concept Mapping element. The concepts in view can be pared down with various filters to show just the concepts you need for a particular analysis.
Learn more about Concept Portal on the Lighthouse Academy!
Concept Portal Info
When you enter the Concept Portal, you’ll see:
- the name of the Portal (as viewed on your aytm Dashboard)
- the number of concepts in view, out of the number of concepts available
- the sample size that saw the concepts in view, out of the total sample size who saw concepts
Adding Concepts to Concept Portal
Once a Concept Portal has initially been created, future concepts can be added to the portal directly from any Results page by setting up a Concept Mapping element.
In the Concept Portal menu:
- Click the Survey drop-down under Data Sources and select the appropriate Survey IDs.
- Click Apply. All relevant concepts are now available to compare.
View Navigation
In the main section of the portal, you’ll see a column for each of your concepts, with the data for each supporting attribute, and any included metadata listed below.
- Shading indicates statistical significance.
- Click the Jump to field to scroll through an alphabetized list, or begin typing your search terms. If you select a concept that is not visualized in the Portal, nothing will happen.
- Click the Refresh button to recalculate the data in the portal when you push updated data for concepts from a study.
- Use the checkboxes in the top control bar to manipulate what you see on screen, or the controls along the bottom of the screen to adjust settings for significance testing.
- Letters in a cell represent the other concepts against which there are statistically significant differences.
- Shading indicates statistical significance.
Left Sidebar Menu
In the Left Sidebar menu:
- Click the Concept Portal icon to view and change data sources.
- Click the Star icon to view alternate saved views, or create new saved views.
- Click the Filters menu to view applied filters, or apply filters by traits or data sets.
- Click the Export icon to Export an Excel document, or in various Presentation-style formats.