Concept Portal Data and Metadata
Table of Contents
Attributes and Metrics
Attributes (also known as metrics) are the items that you originally programmed and tested your concepts on, that appear in the left column of the table.
Helpful Hint: If, in one survey, you label a metric as Believability, and in another survey, you label the same scale as Believable, they will populate as two separate attributes. If this happens:
Displaying Multiple Metrics
To add multiple metrics for a particular attribute to the portal:
Concept Portal Split Views
You can also choose to view concepts, split by demographic traits.
Statistical Significance: Mean
Shading indicates that a cell is statistically significantly different from the mean, at the Primary or Secondary confidence level indicated in the key below the portal.
Statistical Significance: Concepts
Capital and lowercase letters within a cell indicate a statistically significant difference from the concept that corresponds to the letter in the cell. A blank cell indicates that the concept in that column was not tested on the attribute in that row.
Regardless of how you arrange the attributes and concepts in view, the Concept Portal will display multiple data points per concept along with survey metadata. This metadata may include fielding dates, survey IDs, survey titles, sample sizes, and tags. These tags can be added to individual concepts for use as filters later.
Adding External Data
If you have concept data or benchmarks that do not come from an aytm survey, you can upload External data points to compare to your other concepts.