Custom Quota Logic
Custom Quota Logic allows users to place quotas in surveys outside of the Target Market page. These quotas could be specific demographic requirements, or quotas based on survey answers. However, in order to enact these quotas on DIY surveys, users must complete the Custom Quota Logic course in the Lighthouse Academy.
Complete the course in the Lighthouse Academy!
As you're writing Quota logic, keep in mind that in order to accurately enforce the commands, the logic must be written in questions that all relevant respondents will see—i.e. questions that do not contain hide or skip logic.
About Custom Quota Logic
With Custom Quota logic, you can build quotas outside of demographic traits, and instead, build them based on respondents’ answers. Like terminate logic, custom quota logic must be used within either Prequalification questions or the first three standard questions of a survey. Within the question or answer option fields, type [quota (reference) max N] where N is the maximum number of respondents you’d like to have in your survey who selected that answer option. This number must be the actual number of respondents, not just a percentage.
Note that this logic can be entered into the question text, OR into the answer option text. When you enter quotas into answer option text, you can enforce quotas for each answer option. However, keep in mind that if you’re using multiple maximums in a checkbox question, OR you’re using a maximum for some, but not every answer option, the total sum of all the maximums applied must be less than or equal to the sample size. After your survey has fulfilled the maximum number of respondents for a particular answer option, anyone who begins the survey and selects that answer will be terminated. |
Setting Maximum Quotas
A maximum quota requires no more than a certain amount of respondents to meet a criteria.
Note: This number must be the actual number of respondents, not just a percentage. When entering quotas into answer option text, you can enforce quotas for each answer option. However, keep in mind that if you’re using:
The total sum of all the maximums applied must be less than or equal to the sample size. After your survey has fulfilled the maximum number of respondents for a particular answer option (e.g., Q1A1), anyone who begins the survey and selects that answer (e.g., Q1A1) will be terminated. |
Setting Minimum Quotas
There are two ways to write minimum quotas. The first, and simplest, is to set the minimum number of respondents you’d like to have for an answer option.
Note: This number must be the actual number of respondents, not just a percentage. Helpful Hints:
While minimum quotas are fairly straightforward when there is only one quota to enforce, it can get complicated quickly with multiple minimum quotas; particularly when there is opportunity for overlap, as could happen when enforcing multiple minimum quotas on a checkbox question. |
Setting Reverse-Maximum Quotas
The second way to write a minimum quota is essentially a Reverse-Max quota. While this might seem unnecessarily complicated, Reverse Maximums can be particularly helpful when setting a minimum on checkbox answer choices. This way of writing quotas will help you better understand how quotas work, and could safeguard your fielding time and results.
The Reverse-Max method results in fulfilling a minimum number of responses by telling the system to enforce the opposite of a maximum command. In this method, n will be the total sample size minus your minimum quota, and the logic reference must include the opposite criteria of the minimum conditions, which can be accomplished by using the word NOT. For example, we need a minimum of 300 “yes” responses to Question 1, out of a sample size of 1000. First, subtract the minimum number from the sample size. 1000 - 300 = 700 This tells us that 700 is the maximum number of responses that we can accept who do not respond “yes” to Q1. In the Question text box, type [quota NOT Q1A1 MAX 700]. We put the NOT in front of the reference for the “yes” answer option, to let the system know that out of our 1000 people, it needs to enforce a Maximum of 700 responses for all other answer options, therefore ensuring that the remainder of completes (300) are those who select yes. If the 700 other answers fulfill before the 300 yeses, respondents who begin the survey and answer something other than "yes" will be terminated. |