Piping Logic
Utilizing piping logic is a great way to reference a question, answer, response or an image that a respondent saw or gave earlier in the survey. It's best used for reminding survey takers what they selected, creating clarifying rounds of ranking or asking follow up questions about something they selected without a need to clone entire strings of questions.
How to Use Piping Logic
Piping is expressed on the aytm platform by using square brackets; [...]. In order to add piping logic, the formulas must be typed directly into the survey fields; character counts won't be affected by the logic formulas. You can point respondents to a variety of sources, illustrated in the following examples:
Piping formulas are not case-sensitive and do not require spaces or other separators between the elements of your formulas. |
Depending on your membership level, adding piping logic to a survey will likely incur an additional fee. Since the platform does not yet include error validation, we strongly suggest reaching out to support@aytm.com or click the chat bubble at the bottom right to discuss any uncertainties. We look forward to hearing from you!