Skip Logic allows you to manipulate survey path for some or all of your respondents.
Learn more about aytm Logic in the Lighthouse Academy!

- In the appropriate question or answer field, type [skip to q#] to skip to a particular question (where # is the number of the destination question) or [skip to exit] to skip directly to the exit upon clicking the Next button.
- Use Conditional Logic to skip only a portion of respondents to a certain destination.
Ex: [Skip to Q5 if Q2A3] - Respondents who selected Answer option 3 in Question 2 would skip to Question 5.
- Click on the rabbit icon to the right of the question on which you'd like to use Skip Logic, and select the respondent's destination from the drop-down.
- Click the rabbit that appears to the right of an answer option to enable conditional skip logic, and select the destination for respondents who select that answer option from the drop-down menu.
- Click the Random mode button to enable Random mode instead of skipping directly to another question or to the exit. Learn more about Direct Skip vs Random Skip Logic.
- Click the red X to the right of the enabled rabbit to remove it from the question or answer option.
Note: If you are using other types of logic in your survey, using Skip Logic via rabbit icons is not recommended. Rather, use the hard-programmed Skip Logic as discussed above.