Heatmap question output includes several visually-striking and informative view modes, clustering, word clouds, and the ability to create, save, and analyze pins' custom clusters, allowing you to see what respondents reacted to in a flexible visual output.
We apply the industry-standard Kernel Density model to the data, with aytm-specific tuning parameters designed to facilitate quick and easy referencing.
1. Selecting View Modes
- Click on the View mode: drop-down to choose Heatmap by pins, Coldmap by pins, Overlay by pins, Spotlight by pins, Heatmap by clusters, Overlay by clusters, Pins, and Original.
- Heatmap by pins: heatmap data for all placed pins is displayed over the original picture.
- Coldmap by pins: same data as a heatmap view in a more neutral color palette.
- Overlay by pins: displays heatmap data on a grayscale image, allowing a clearer view of the original picture "under" heatmap data layer.
- Spotlight by pins: yellow in the areas of high click-density, dark blue for the rest of the image.
- Heatmap by clusters: heatmap data for all clusters is displayed over the original picture.
- Overlay by clusters: displays heatmap cluster data over a grayscale image, allowing a clearer view of the original picture.
- Pins: displays the exact placement of all pins, where the color of the dot equals the pin color.
- Original: displays the original picture without pins.
Note that the default view within your results is a heatmap overlay showing the density of all placed pins—it does not distinguish between the different pin types you set in your survey. The color of the original heatmap layers indicate the intensity of the overall pin density and does not reflect the colors of the pins used in the survey. You'll need to Filter by pin types, or select Pins as the View mode to view the heatmap for a specific pin type.
Note: at least 20 pins are required for data to be processed and displayed correctly on your results.
- Click the Filter by pin types: drop-down and deselect pin types to isolate whatever pin types you would like to visualize.
Check or uncheck the box next to Show Clusters to show or hide the boundaries of any programmed clusters.
Click the drop-down to select individual clusters to show or hide.
Check the box next to Mask to selected to show only the pins dropped within your selected clusters. Updating this selection will recalculate both the heatmap as well as the calculations in the chart below.
- Click the Auto button.
- If you did not run AI clusters, make a selection from the drop-down menu and click Run.
If you previously ran AI clusters on the Survey Editor page, you can make a new selection from the drop-down and click Rerun; any clusters previously removed will be recalled. Note: When Pins Only mode has been selected from the Survey Editor, the clusters will be reset on the Results page. You must click Auto>Run to recall the AI clusters, but any changes you made to clusters on the Survey Editor will not be retained.
- Click the Custom button to activate the polygon tool to create a custom cluster.
- Outline the area where you want to create a custom cluster on your image, making sure to connect the starting and ending points. Click and hold any anchor point to adjust the shape.
- Give your cluster a name and click Save.
Note: The color of the shape is randomly assigned; this is not editable.
As a cluster is being created, you can see how many pins, comments, and respondents are within that cluster. If a filter is applied to the data set, the form of the custom cluster will not change, but the cluster's data will reflect the filter. For example, this shape includes 17 pins, but if the data set is filtered to females only, it will show 10 pins.
- Below the image, click the Pin Statistics drop-down to view Pin Statistics or Cluster Statistics in the table below.
Pin Statistics: Display actual numbers, percentages, and open ended-responses organized by pin type. Cluster Statistics: Display actual numbers, percentages, and open-ended responses organized by clusters.
- With Cluster Statistics selected, click the second drop-down to select what clusters are reflected both in the table below and in the image above.
Clusters selected above: shows clusters that have been selected in the Show clusters drop-down menu. Custom Clusters: shows only custom clusters that you've created. Paragraph AI clusters: shows only the paragraph clusters generated by AI clusters. Word AI Clusters: shows only the word clusters generated by AI clusters. Object AI clusters: shows only the object clusters generated by AI clusters. Editor-defined clusters: shows all clusters that were programmed on the Survey Editor page.
Note: Responses (total) indicates the number of pins dropped, not the number of respondents who dropped pins.
Viewing Open Ended Responses
If you added a mandatory or optional open ended (OE) response to a pin (or pins), you can view and analyze these responses in a few different ways.
- View Mode: Pins - Click on any pin with a white dot to see an OE response. To view OE comments within the image, you will need to hide any created clusters, by unchecking the Show clusters checkbox, then hovering over a pin to see a pop-up with the pin's open-ended comment text.
- Word Cloud - Any pin that has an open ended option will have the ability to generate a word cloud in the answer key. Click Load Word Cloud below the image to populate and access the settings.
- OE Interface - Click on any OE icon when you are looking at clusters or individual pins to bring up the OE interface. Clicking on the OE icon directly from the Heatmap will filter to only the specific Heatmap question you are analyzing.
Search Functions and Tags
- Pins: If you click on the open ended (OE) icon from a pin it will load that one respondent creating a tag with the Response ID.
- Clusters: If you click on the OE icon from a cluster the OE interface will only load those specific comments. This creates a search tag that matches the name of the cluster.
- Advanced Search: Once you are in the OE interface you can search for additional clusters or keywords. When you put your cursor in the search bar any other created cluster will be suggested automatically. Or you can add additional search criteria to the search bar. To search, click the magnifying glass.
- Search Filters & Custom Reports: You can create a filter based on a search. Click on the three dot menu on the right, then Create filter. This will populate the custom filter under the advanced filter icon. You will need to “click here to apply filters” to reload the page before you can save this filter as a custom report.
You can export the X & Y coordinates and open ended comments in any of the Excel exports. Pin coordinates in exports are based on the original image's size in pixels.