Rapid Association questions are used to collect impressions of visual stimuli in a timed environment.
Respondents are shown stimuli and asked whether various term associations fit or do not fit. By collecting choice data with a predetermined time pressure, you can capture the fast, automatic, and intuitive System 1 thinking, which may better mimic the quick, real-life, minimal-effort decisions respondents make in real shopping situations.
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1. Adding Rapid Association Questions
In the Survey Editor, click the Add new question button displayed after the last question, and select the Rapid Association question type from the menu.
Click the camera icon in the question field to upload the image from your hard drive to which your respondents will react. Note: Any text added in the Question field will not be shown to your respondents. If you need to provide context for the Rapid Association, we recommend adding Instruction Text prior to the question.
Type or paste up to 20 attributes in the Word fields for respondents to react to the image, or click the Or add from library of words drop-down menu to select from a list of common attributes.
Click the Randomization checkbox to turn off Randomization--it is enabled by default, as it is the recommended setting.
2. Customizing Rapid Association controls
Click the Image exposure drop-down to set the length of time respondents are exposed to the image, between two seconds and 45 seconds.
Click the next drop-down to select whether each attribute will be shown once or three times.
Click the for: drop-down and select the duration that each attribute will be shown on screen, from one to five seconds. Note: The shorter this time threshold, the more likely System 1 thinking is captured.
Click the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down drop-down menu to choose how respondents can react to an attribute, from Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down, Yes/No, Match/Not Match, Fit/Not Fit, or the disagreement-first presentation of each set. The word listed first reflects that that button will display on the left.
- Click the Training drop-down to give respondents the opportunity to view instructions and practice to prepare them for the programmed questions. By default, training is set to auto, which means it will only show in the first Rapid Association question a respondent sees in the survey. Choose always on to show training in every instance of a Rapid Association, or choose always off, whereby the training would never show.
Note: Training is adaptive; if a respondent is on mobile, they will see the appropriate training for the device they are using, without key inputs as options.
Note: If words are shown three times, choice data and reaction times aggregate across the three to represent an individual respondent’s overall average choice. Showing the word multiple times can increase speed or influence answers in subsequent viewings, but also allows for validation that the first choice was not made in error, or a second chance in case a previous answer took longer than the time allotted. Showing the word once can reduce potential carry-over effects.
3. Analyzing Rapid Association Results
On the Results page, results display a bar graph with the percent of respondents whose aggregate response was positive, whether Fit, Thumbs up, Yes, or Match, for each word.
- Click the drop-down menu to alternatively view the data as a Stacked bar chart showing the percentage of all three options: Fit, Not fit, and timeouts or missing data, or select Scatter Plot to visualize a scatter plot with each word along the x-axis according to average reaction time, and percentage indicating Fit along the y-axis.
- Click the Export button in the left-hand Results navigation menu, and select Excel with coded map to download a spreadsheet with the aggregate data, Value (choice data), Time (indicating reaction time), and Position (determining the order in which words were seen) for each word presented in the question. Each additional Rapid Association question will have its own tab in the exported document.