Our Xpert: Concept testing allows you to validate up to 100 product or service ideas in one study, providing an easy-to-use template, pre-built and fully programmed with logic and optimal question types. Identify the strongest concepts and discover which product or service offers the best market opportunities. Test every aspect of your concept from purchase intent and pricing to features and messaging to set your product up for success.
Choose between two types of concept testing: pure monadic (respondents see only one concept) or sequential monadic (respondents see all or a subset of all concepts).
See more in the Solutions Center.

Building Your Xpert Solution
- In the Solutions Center, find the Xpert Concept card and click Get Started.
- Follow the prompts on the Setup page to set up your test. You will need the following information:
- A word for the type of concept you’re evaluating (product, service, etc.) - The category of your concepts - The conversion event (purchase, subscribe, etc.) - Monadic or Sequential monadic design - How many respondents per concept - Estimated incidence rate (IR) - Whether your concept materials include pricing and you want a value question added to the survey - What attributes you want to compare - Comparable brands/products for an optional Source of Volume question
- Click the Quick Preview button to see how your Xpert Solution will be presented to respondents.
- Click the Target Market button to adjust Target Market settings, Review & Edit Survey to view it on the Survey Editor page, or Checkout to launch the survey as-is.
Configure your Concept Testing
- Click Review & Edit Survey to make additions to your survey from the Survey Editor.
- Click the appropriate buttons to add prequalification questions, or add regular survey body questions before or after the locked question set.
- Edit any soft text within a question or answer option. (The pre-programmed logic cannot be changed.)
Note: If you make edits within the locked portion, and then click Back to setup, these changes will be lost if updates are made, but any changes made outside of the locked set (e.g. additional questions) will be saved.
Note: Breaking the lock to make structural changes will revert your survey to a normal survey, and will not yield an Xpert Report on the Results page.
Xpert Report: Concept Testing
Once your survey is in the field, you will have access to the same robust reporting tools with some upgraded features specific to Xpert Solutions. The default report for Xpert Solutions will include Objectives, Methodology, and critical findings sections to start.
- Click on the respective headers to expand and collapse Objective, Methodology, Key Findings, Concept Lab, and Concept Details (adding a concept to the concept Lab will populate an additional tab for you to view its details below).
- Click the export icon to download a custom Xpert Report Powerpoint including the executive summary, objective, methodology, and critical findings.
View a live demo report.
Learn more about the capabilities of aytm’s Concept Lab here.