Controlling Group Logic with Custom Array
Controlling the display order of paths within Group logic, inside or outside of a Smart Loop, can be done using a mix of array and scoring logic. It is not recommended for uses where a max limit is applied to the Group logic or Smart Loop.
How to Control Group Logic with a Custom Array
For example, let's assume a setup of three paths with one question each and that our initial array and variable will be: [order << 1,2,3][order = shuffle order]
On the first path's question, the following logic will check if the path is ready to be displayed based on the array order: [Show if (order|1=1 and shownext=1) Here, order is the name of our array, |1 checks for the value of the first value in the array, =1 represents checking for the first path, and the corresponding shownext= condition validates if it is time to show that position. Since it is the only question in the path, and thus the last question in the path, [shownext+1] increments the counter to now look for the next path.
[Show if (order|1=2 and shownext=1)