Tracker Portals allow you to analyze wave over wave data for a tracker study, helping you visualize and monitor how metrics are performing over time. To access your portal, log into your aytm account, and scroll to the Insights Portal section of your Dashboard. Click on the appropriate Portal to open it.
Learn more about Tracker Portal in the Lighthouse Academy!

Tracker Portal Info
When you enter the Tracker Portal, you’ll see:
- The name of the Portal (as viewed on your aytm Dashboard).
- The entity or attribute currently in view.
- The number of waves and sample size represented on screen.
- A search field that you can use to Jump to wave.
- The Refresh button to reload the page when you have new data.
As you make changes to your visualization, the information here will reflect those changes as well.
Default Visualization
The default visualization is a line chart displaying the metric performance of each attribute or entity, for each wave.
- Click on the individual names in the color key to hide the line, and click it again to restore the line.
- Hover over points in the line to see the label and the attribute or entity’s performance for that wave.
- Click the hamburger menu on the right side of the line chart to open the chart in full screen, print the chart, and/or download various file types.
Left Sidebar Menu
In the Left Sidebar menu:
- Click the Tracker Portal icon to view and change data sources.
- Click the Star icon to view alternate saved views, or create new saved views.
- Click the Filters menu to view applied filters, or apply filters by traits or data sets.
- Click the Export icon to Export an Excel document, or in various Presentation-style formats.