Here is an example of the Shelf Test question, in which we will explore product display settings and customizing the shelf in Auto-flow mode or in Planogram mode.
Note: While these controls add parameters to your shelves, to customize the position of each product on the shelf, you still must add Shelf Logic.
Learn more about Shelf Test in our Lighthouse Academy course!

1. Setting Shelf Basics
Below the last product listed, make selections to customize the shelf setup of products.
- Click the first dropdown menu to select the type of store your shelf test will appear in.
Click the second drop-down menu to select what type of shelves your product will display on.
Note: Not all shelf types are available at every store. Learn more about club stores here. Hanging shelves can only be selected for certain stores through Planogram mode.
Click the number to the right of the Shelf Type menu to adjust the number of shelves in your display, up to 8 shelves for the Regular shelf type.
Click the next drop-down menu to select whether products appear to be in Full stock, Typical stock, Low stock, or No Perspective.
Note: No Perspective shows one row of products, and additional products behind the first row will not be visible until a respondent picks up a product and places it in their cart.
Click the next drop-down menu to select Product Settings and determine whether product names and/or prices are shown.
Click Cart Settings to determine the parameters of your Shelf Test, such as:
Show Cart: Determine the visibility of the cart for the respondents. The running total of selected items will be visible to the respondents when this is checked, and respondents can add, remove, and modify products in their cart.
Max #/product: Check this box and enter a maximum number of each product to determine how many can be added to a respondent’s cart.
Max #/cart: Check this box and enter a maximum number of total products each respondent may add to their cart.
2. Setting Full Screen parameters
Check the box next to N/A to allow respondents to advance without selecting any products.
Check the box next to Zoom to present a zoom control to non-mobile users.
Check the box next to Blur to blur all product images in a shelf test EXCEPT for the item the respondent is hovering over. This allows consumers to focus on a single product at the shelf.
Check the box next to Full Screen to display a shelf setup of up to double the standard width. When respondents get to this question, the shelf will expand to fit their entire screen, and they will be able to scroll left and right to view the entire width of the shelf.
Note: Full screen is recommended when you have a shelf that exceeds 13'4" in width, in order to optimize the screen for both mobile and desktop respondents.
Click the Shelf start drop-down and select where respondents will being seeing their full screen shelf: Left, Center, Right, or Random.
Note: Selecting Random will result in some respondents starting on the left, some in the center, and some on the right.
- Check the box next to Require horizontal scroll to force users to scroll through the entire shelf before moving to the next question in the survey.
Note: respondents do not need to see the entire shelf before they start adding products to their cart.
3. Planogram mode: editing shelf sections
While Auto-flow mode allows users to use default store and shelf settings, Planogram mode allows users to customize shelf sections and dimensions, and utilize hanging shelves or the stacking feature for some or all products.
Click the Auto-flow mode drop-down (above your list of products) and select Planogram mode.
Type an optional Shelf section name into the text field.
Note: This text is for organizational purposes only–it only appears to the user in the Editor, and will not show on the Stats page, or to the respondent.
Edit the Section width if desired (feet and inches).
Type an optional Shelf description, and click the Type drop-down menu to select whether each shelf appears as a Sitting shelf or a Hanging shelf.
Note: Hanging is not available for Club or Home improvement stores.
Click the Stacking drop-down menu to determine whether stacking is set to ON or OFF. When ON is selected, the system stacks as many units on top of each other as will fit within the shelf height using the product height parameters you specified in the product card.
Type a number in inches in the Height column to set a custom shelf height for each shelf.
- Click the + Add shelf button to add additional shelves (up to 8 shelves total).
Note: Planogram mode is currently unavailable for Air Curtain shelf type.
4. Planogram mode: adding sections
Adding sections allows you the flexibility to program different shelf heights and widths for stores with Regular Shelves, designate a different number of shelves per section, display hanging products, and use different stacking schema.
Click the + Add section button to add additional shelf sections. Please note: We recommend limiting each Shelf Test to 3 sections maximum, to ensure compatibility across all respondent device types.
Click Collapse shelf sections to see a condensed view of the sections.
- Click on a shelf section to toggle the collapsed view to edit a different section. The section you’re editing will be highlighted in teal.
Note: when programming shelf logic in Planogram mode, shelves populate top to bottom, and then left to right - ex: In the example below, Section 1 contains shelves 1, 2, 3, and 4; Section 2 contains shelves 5, 6, and 7.
5. Maximum Shelf Widths
- Max width of shelf with only one section (only available for regular shelves): 43' 4"
- Max width of each shelf section if using multiple sections for regular shelves: 43' 4"
- Max width of each shelf section if using multiple sections for counter refrigerator: 14' 1"
If a user programs more than 3 shelf sections, the following warning text will appear:
Note: this survey may not be displayed correctly on Android devices. Please exclude mobile respondents from the survey or reduce the maximum shelf size to 3 sections.