By selecting a Research Type for your survey, researchers can organize surveys, search all surveys by Research Type, and see Research Type in Survey Specifications on the Results page. Select from the following list:
- Ad/Campaign Effectiveness
- Attitudes and Usage
- Brand Awareness
- Brand Equity
- Brand Health
- Claims Testing
- Concept Test
- Creative Test
- Customer Segmentation
- Flavor/Scent/Variant Testing
- Habits and Practices
- Idea Screening
- Jobs to be Done
- Line Optimization
- Packaging Test
- Price Optimization
- Product and Feature Optimization
- Other
Adding Research type
- Select a Research Type from the menu.
Searching by Research Type
- From your dashboard, click the Search all surveys button in the left menu, or Search surveys above the Surveys in Progress tab.
- Type a research type category into the search field and hit enter, or scroll down to Research type and select an option.
Viewing Survey Specifications
- On the Results page, click the Survey Specifications tab.
- Under Order details, Research Type appears next to Type:.
Note: Type will only appear on results pages for which a Research Type was selected on the Target Market page. This will not apply to surveys fielded under the former Research topic drop-down.
Changing Research type after fielding
After your survey is in field, you can change the Research type from your Dashboard.
- Locate the survey in your Dashboard in the Surveys in Progress tab or the Completed tab.
- Click the settings wheel on the right side of the row, and select Research Type.
- Select a type from the drop-down, and click Save Settings.