Virtual Question: Optional Presets
When you add a Virtual Question, there are several Optional Presets available to give you a starting point to build Answer Options for your VQ. Optional presets can include variables such as Group Logic (identically-structured nodes), Top Boxes, Prefix and Hashtag groups, Nested Quotas, Premium Profiling, Demographic Traits (with particular consideration for Age range, Race, and Relationship status. Trait availability dependent upon the survey's fielding country), and Other variable data.
Group Logic
If a survey has [group] logic or you used Smart Loops to program your survey, VQ Optional Presets will detect the question nodes and look for comparable questions within each node. Questions display in this list only when each node is identical in structure (e.g.: the first question within each node is a single choice question with 5 answer options). |
Top 1 or Top 2 Boxes
For certain question types, after you select the group, you will have the option to select Top 1 or Top 2 Boxes at either end of the answer list. We offer Top Box aggregation on both sides of the Likert scale to accommodate both directions you may have used while programming your survey. The last drop down will help you automatically populate labels and images for your VQ answer variants.
Prefix and Hashtag groups
When you program a list of 5 or more answer options in your survey, the system will automatically group answer options that contain the first word in a Prefix group (e.g. A1 ShinyGlow Shampoo with A2 ShinyGlow Conditioner; A3 PureLocks Shampoo with A4 PureLocks Conditioner). Similarly, if you add a #label to answer options within a question, that question will appear as a Hashtag group; when selected, it will sort the labels into answer option buckets in your VQ. |
Nested Quotas
If you created Nested Demographic Quotas on the Target Market page, each group created will populate as an answer line in a VQ. Note: only quota groups created on the Target Market page prior to launching the survey will be reflected in the Optional Presets. If quotas were changed or added during fielding they will need to be populated into the VQ manually. |
Premium Profiling
If you used one of aytm's 2300+ Premium Profiles to target your audience, those Premium Profiles will appear in VQ presets. This could be particularly helpful if you used the or operator with multiple Premium Profiles, to compare how differently-qualified respondents performed in your survey. |
Demographic Traits
Depending on the availability of traits in your fielding country, there are up to 17 demographic trait presets available to parse data. A few of these (Age range, Race/Ethnicity, and Relationship status) have extra considerations as you set up your VQ. |
Demographic Traits: Age range
When you select Age range, the answer options populated contain logic for our pre-programmed age buckets: 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, and 75+. To combine several preset age ranges, you can use the operator or (e.g.: age_range = '13-17' or age_range = '18-24'). However, if you would like to set up your own age groupings, you must convert the logic to call up the ages within mathematical operators.
Demographic Traits: Race/Ethnicity (US surveys)
Because the US Census asks two questions to determine race and ethnicity (Hispanic Origin, and Race multi-select), there are four possible Virtual Question presets for Race and Ethnicity, as determined by the US Race/Ethnicity demographic trait classifications:
Demographic Traits: Relationship Status
Because Relationship status is a multi-select answer, it is possible that a respondent could fall into multiple categories. As such, there are two presets for Relationship status:
If you would like help interpreting Relationship status combinations, please reach out to our support team. |
Other Variables
You can append data as variables using our Custom Upload feature, and we provide data on device, browser, and platform as variables depending on the survey. All these variables will populate in the Optional Presets and can be used to populate a VQ. Additionally, you can create presets based on device type. |