Collect qualitative responses with the Open Ended (OE) question type.
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- In the Survey Editor, click the Open Ended Icon in the question menu, or drag the icon into place.
- Type or paste your question into the Question field.
- Activate the Make optional checkbox to allow respondents to skip the question (by default, Open Ended questions require a response).
- Select the Min: dropdown to specify a minimum number of required characters per response.
- Select the Max: dropdown to specify a maximum number of characters per response.
Further customize your question view by adding Images.
2. Analyzing Open Ended Responses on the Results page
On the Results page, Open Ended Responses display in line with other questions with several visualizations available.
By default, your question appears with a few Notable verbatims highlighted as a sample. a. Hover over a response, and click the Copy button to copy the verbatim to your clipboard. b. Click the second drop-down to switch the responses in view from Quote the longest to Quote the shortest. c. In the Search field, type terms you would like to filter for, the return key, and then click the magnifying glass, to show several responses with those terms highlighted.
- Click the first drop-down and select Sentiments to view a chart categorizing which responses were Negative, Neutral, Positive, Mixed, or No sentiment.
- Select Tags to view a chart quantifying the various tags you have placed on responses from the Open Ended Responses interface.
- Select Wordcloud to load a word cloud and frequency table for all responses to the question.
Note: If Sentiments and/or Verbatim Coding have not been applied to your open ended responses, these options will not appear in the drop-down list.
3. Wordclouds
With the Wordcloud visualization selected:
Select a pre-set visual theme from the drop-down menu, or click the gear button to expand control options.
Use the sliders to change the number of words displayed in the cloud and the contrast size of most and least used words.
Rotate word angle and orientation with the tilted A buttons.
Select a different font from the drop-down menu.
Change the color to a pre-set palette from the drop-down menu, or enter hex codes using the eyedropper tool.
- Click the Add Mask drop-down menu to display words in a certain shape.
- Enable features like Fix misspells, Smart capitalization, Merge similar words, link 2-word phrases by activating the appropriate checkbox for each. Clean up the text with the drop-down menu to hide common English words, or hide certain words from the cloud.
Click apply to all word clouds to standardize that look and feel across OE Responses.
Learn more about Word Clouds.
4. Viewing all Open Ended Responses
- At the top of the Results page, click on the Open Ended icon.
Answers are grouped by the Response ID of each person who answered, in the order that respondents submitted their survey.
- Click the questions menu to filter by specific questions, or use the search bar to search for specific keywords or phrases.
- Click Reject for up to 5% of irrelevant responses, or thank respondents for great responses with the Give kudos button. Kudos will send respondents a thank you note and boost their trait score in the Paid Viewpoint respondent dashboard.
- Click the Export icon to download an editable version of the full open ended responses as an Excel or CSV file.
Check out the Open Ended Response articles for more in-depth analysis tools like Verbatim Coding.
Take a test drive on real-world results for this question type! Explore a live demo report.
Check out these Help Center articles for more resources on organizing and analyzing Open Ended Responses.